
My blog features tips, bugs, tricks and other data related minutiae

Automating the Workflow for Job Applications using Bash

Automating the Workflow for Job Applications using Bash

Navigating the job market as a Data Engineer often feels like maneuvering thr...

End-to-End ELT with Airbyte, dbt, Dagster, Snowflake and Metabase

End-to-End ELT with Airbyte, dbt, Dagster, Snowflake and Metabase

This Blog post is a WIP, but you can follow along on the Github repo here ...

Leveraging dbt Project Variables and Jinja for a DRY Workflow

Leveraging dbt Project Variables and Jinja for a DRY Workflow

Oh, the joy of hard-coded values! Said no one ever. If you’re anything like m...

Creating a LaTeX Resume that Stands Out from

Creating a LaTeX Resume that Stands Out from "Jake's Resume"

If you’ve ever felt like your resume is a bland, uninspired reflection of you...

Generating Custom Anki Decks with GPT-4 and LangChain

Generating Custom Anki Decks with GPT-4 and LangChain

I am no stranger to the ever-evolving world of technology as a user of the Da...

Creating Custom Macros in dbt for Efficient YAML Generation

Creating Custom Macros in dbt for Efficient YAML Generation

As a data engineer, I spend a lot of time working with YAML files. These file...

Top Python Libraries for Data Science and Data Engineering

Top Python Libraries for Data Science and Data Engineering

As a language, Python has revolutionized the world of data science and data e...

Creating SQL Queries using Python

Creating SQL Queries using Python

In the world of data engineering, tasks that seem simple on the surface can o...

Using SQLAlchemy and difflib to String Match Data

Using SQLAlchemy and difflib to String Match Data

Disclaimer: All proprietary company data has been completely anonymized and r...