Hello, my name is Orest 👋
I craft solutions through data and software engineering

I'm passionate about the world of data and software, where innovation meets application. Browse my blog to discover what drives me.

Automating the Workflow for Job Applications using Bash

Automating the Workflow for Job Applications using Bash

Navigating the job market as a Data Engineer often feels like maneuvering thr...

End-to-End ELT with Airbyte, dbt, Dagster, Snowflake and Metabase

End-to-End ELT with Airbyte, dbt, Dagster, Snowflake and Metabase

This Blog post is a WIP, but you can follow along on the Github repo here ...

Leveraging dbt Project Variables and Jinja for a DRY Workflow

Leveraging dbt Project Variables and Jinja for a DRY Workflow

Oh, the joy of hard-coded values! Said no one ever. If you’re anything like m...